Happy Monday y’all! It’s day 15 of my 30 day gratitude challenge. We are literally halfway through the month of November! Already!! As I lean into the thought around how quickly time seems to pass I recognize that I’m grateful for wisdom. Much of my wisdom has come over time. I don’t profess to be wisest person but one of my most consistent prayers has been for wisdom in my daily walk.

I don’t desire to have all of the knowledge. I just want to be wise in my counsel of others and in the counsel that I seek. I desire to make decisions that are rooted in grace, truth, and wisdom. Wisdom for me has been gain through experiences both good and bad. The lessons that have been learned usually leave us with wisdom to carry through. On the contrary, if we don’t learn our lessons that wisdom may be delayed until we do. And honestly that’s ok because the goal is to learn the lesson and gain wisdom. So I am grateful for the journey that brings me to wisdom as much as I am grateful for the wisdom that comes as a result of it.

What are you grateful for today?
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