It’s day 21 of my 30 days of gratitude challenge and today I am grateful for my little BFF Laila! Laila is the baby of the Martin Glittergang, the funniest, cutest, and most sincere little person I have ever met.
She stole my heart from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I remember the day I found out I was having a girl. It was April 21, 2016 the same day Prince Rogers Nelson died. I will never forget it. I just knew I was having a boy and was committed to naming him Prince Muhammad Ali. ☺️☺️ I was in for a surprise when the sonogram showed a baby girl. I was shocked and elated at the same time. I knew that I was born to be a girl mom and the little blessing that I was carrying was the final piece of the crew!
This kid and I have been attached at the hip since she got here. She taught me that amazing things can be birthed from hard times. She is the beauty for my ashes. 🙌🏽🙌🏽 She is my daily reminder that some things are worth fighting for.
Today is Laila’s birthday and she’s 5 years old! Every year with her keeps getting better. I love this kid so much. She reminds me that I have to set boundaries for myself by telling me straight up what she does and doesn’t like. She encourages me to be creative because she’s always thinking of the coolest things to do. She’s the reason I will never grow old because I have to be able to hang with her for the long haul. I am grateful for Laila Sachi-Simone because her existence has taught me to never give up and that there are no dreams too big!
God I thank you for this child! 🙌🏽 I thank you for healing me mentally, physically, and spiritually so that I can be whole for her and her sisters. I thank you for the favor over her life and mine because of her.
What are you grateful for today?
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