Ladies, In the spirit of this beautiful day my hope is that every woman reading this post finds peace and rest. We all do so much everyday and honestly there’s no award for being tired and burned out just to say you’re Super Woman!
Stop overthinking things and overscheduling yourself. Spend just as much time scheduling joy as you do scheduling work/chores. Life is meant to be lived!
Schedule leisure time and activities. Have fun! Wanna do karaoke? Do it!
Wanna go on a trip? Do it!
Wanna go hiking? Do it Sis!
Wanna do nothing at all? Do 👏🏽 That 👏🏽 Shit! 👏🏽 Whatever your heart so desires make it happen for you the same way you make things happen for your job, your family, your children, and your spouse.
Prioritize you!
Take time to actually rest your mind and your body. Do yoga or just find a quiet space to not think. Take a melatonin and/or some valerian root and go lay down somewhere. Rest is essential to healing both mentally and physically.
Once you’ve rested, take account of all of things that kept on truckin while you were away and minimize their portion on your plate. In other words…🗣️🗣️🗣️ “find somebody else to do it!” Reorganize your life by delegating tasks that can be delegated and devoting your energy to what is required of you.
Lastly, take time to reflect on how DOPE you are and then develop a plan to honor your DOPENESS regularly. Don’t let years go by, I’m talking to myself specifically, and not do the things you love or go places you’ve always wanted to go. Live your life Sis!
I hope this day brings you all of this and more!!! I love being a woman, I just don’t want to be every woman!!
#dopeblackmom, #dopeblackwoman, #dopeblackblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #blogger, #dailymotivation, #empoweredwomenempowerwomen, #blackmomswhoblog, #blackbloggermoms, #blackworkingmoms, #momsofig, #ATLBlogger, #InternationalWomensDay, #WomensHistoryMonth, #mentalhealthawarenesseveryday, #relax, #recharge, #intentional, #focused, #deliberate, #purposeful, #selflove, #selfcare
Very well said! I am going on pause