It’s October y’all. Like it‘s really already October. This year is zooming by and I can’t fully comprehend all that has happened in the past 10 months. The highs and the lows have been extreme! And I feel like I need to have a real heart to heart with October.
Soooo…October, can we talk?

I have been asking each month to please be great but I’m sorry I can’t ask you that. I am demanding that you be great to all of us. We have all endured well over a year‘s worth of trauma (not at your hands per se) and we are tired. We just want to enjoy the beauty of fall! Rock out the final quarter for the business owners and enjoy manifesting all our hearts desires. We just wanna chill!
So to you October we say be better than great, be amazing, be profound, be positive, be affirming, be fulfilling, be light because we aren’t going for anything less! (Cues Bone Thugs N Harmony First of da Month!)
#dopeblackmom, #dopeblackwoman, #dopeblackblogger, #lifestyleblogger, #blogger, #dailymotivation, #earthlings, #motherearth, #loverearth, #loverearthrevolution, #empoweredwomenempowerwomen, #blackmomswhoblog, #blackbloggermoms, #blackworkingmoms, #momsofig, #southfloridablogger, #mississippi, #empoweredwoman, #mentalhealthawarenesseveryday, #relax, #recharge, #intentional, #focused, #deliberate, #purposeful, #selfcareOctober