It is always a pleasure interviewing my classmates for features on the blog. This interview was extra special because Sherman Wendell Green and I went to high school together, played in the band together, sang in the choir together, and went on to college together. You never really know how much of an impact/imprint a person has on you until you begin reflecting. We hadn't seen each other in over a decade when we reconnected via Zoom. I recall him allowing me to sing with him at a Delta Gent pageant back in the fall of 2000 when we were both freshmen at Mississippi State University. That performance set me up for so many others during my time at MSU. To speak with him and see that he has become the Dope Black Man I always knew he would be was truly nostalgic. Other than the beard he doesn't look much different from the Sherman that I met on a hot summer day in 1998 when I showed up to Callaway High School's band camp.

Now Dr. Sherman Green is the CEO of Strategic Directions, LLC. Through his company he provides life coaching, mentoring and training services in large or group settings aimed at navigating others towards their goals. After over 15 years as a higher education professional, Dr. Green wanted to branch out and do something on his own incorporating his experience with life coaching pursuits.

His Strategic Directions, LLC brands seeks to provide clients the resources needed in order to be strong contributors to society and advancing them to new levels of excellence in their own lives. The work that Dr. Green is doing is extremely impactful because too often our brothers and sisters in the Black community feel they don't have what it takes to achieve what they want in life and some don't have anyone who can help them reach them; my services cover all of the above and I look forward to reaching the ones who are seeking change.
Check out my interview with Dr. Green and learn more about the work that how he got started, the work that he is doing, and the iconic photo that he took with his childhood friends celebrating Black Excellence.
Black Excellence over 30 years of friendship among these Dope Black Men!

I couldn't resist posting a throwback of Sherman and I from high school (circa Callaway High School Class Day 2000)!

Be sure to check out Dr. Green by visiting:
Twitter: @StrategicDirec1
Instagram: @dr_green_sd