Meet Pamela Simon, a Teen Mindset Coach that has been helping and mentoring for over 20 years. Pam has a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Psychology and has previously worked as a Case Manager at a group home for teens. Pam is a Mississippi native and Mississippi State University graduate now living in Florida. She has allowed her passion and purpose merge to create Divine Mindset!

Pam has had a passion for helping teens since before college. Her passion led her to create her brand Divine Mindset which is designed to help empower teen girls age 13-19 through building their confidence and self-esteem. Pam's Divine Mindset Brand is powered by purpose and determination, with a focus on helping young women find their voice through building three foundational traits: self-acceptance, self-esteem, and confidence.

Check out our time together and get to know more about how Pam began the work of a mindset strategist!
Check out some of the amazing things going on with Pam's organization Divine Mindset and get your girls signed up to participate in this life changing work.
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