As I continue my reading of Psalm 91, I think about the verse I shared yesterday Psalm 91:15 about calling on the Lord God when I am in trouble. The second part of that verse says “I will rescue him…”
God Rescues Me From Trouble
...I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him… –Psalm 91:15
It is a well-known fact that human nature cries out to God when faced with trouble. We’ve all known men in prison, soldiers in war, and people in accidents… who call out to God when their lives get into a crisis or afraid even if they are not believers. A lot of criticism has been given to those kinds of last resort prayers. However, in defense of this kind of praying, we must remember that when one is in pain, he usually runs to the one he loves the most and/or the one he trusts. The alternative is not calling out at all, so this verse acknowledges that calling out to God when we are in trouble is a good place to start.
If a person has never felt danger, he never thinks about needing protection. It is the one that knows he is in imminent danger who will appreciate and take the words of this psalm to heart. God has a great deal of variety in His plentiful means of protection and modes of rescue from trouble.
God answers our prayers and rescues us in so many ways. I am so thankful that He is creative and not limited by our seemingly impossible situations. But we have to ask in faith and not confine Him to our limited resources. God says, “If you love Me, I will be with you when you find yourself in trouble, and I will rescue you.” But we have to trust Him to do it His way.
There are times when I run to those whom I believe will act as refuge only to be told it will be alright and in reality while it might be “alright” that is not the level of comfort that is needed. But when I seek refuge in the Lord I experience an instant peace. It is the act of remembering to seek and call on him that is the requirement.
Lord, I am so grateful that You will be with me in trouble and rescue me when I call to You. I ask that You help me remember to run to You first and call upon You in my day of trouble. I want to continually put my trust in You and in Your Word until I see difficult situations turn around. In the name of Jesus. Amen
As you go about your day today, remember who to call on in your time of need. God will send you earth angels (friends/confidantes) to be on this journey with you, but remember to seek him first!!
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”
Isaiah 43:2 NLT

Have an amazing day!