If you’re a believer, then you know that the word says:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Proverbs 18:21 KJV
“The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21 NLT
This week I had the pleasure of participating in a 5 Day Speak Life Challenge with Atoya Follins. Each day she challenged the participants to move outside of our realm of comfort and call out the things that we desired to manifest.
Sounds easy, right?

But honestly, it was more challenging than I expected. For many of us, there is so much fear clouding our every day lives and decisions. We are so afraid to talk about, plan, and manifest our dreams because we have been conditioned to believe that we are either not worthy or incapable of manifesting the best version of ourselves. After a few days I recognized that not only do I have the power to manifest the life that I desire. I also have the skillset to do so. Every thing I have ever set my mind to do I have done. Even when I was too terrified of getting started. Truth is, if I took the leap of faith to get started God seemed to carry me the rest of the way.
So here are my nuggets for you:
Speak Life over yourself daily.
Write affirmations to remind yourself that you are amazing and on the path to manifesting the life you desire.
Find yourself a group of friends and speak life over one another!
Write out your vision for your life and make a plan for manifesting it.
Need help creating your vision and organizing it into a SMART plan? Then you might be ready to join my 2021 Virtual Vision Planning Party! Click the link below to register for the party!
Register for the 2021 Virtual Vision Planning Party with iamMichelleRena

Get ready to bet on yourself! Your greatness is waiting to be manifested! Let's work together to birth the vision that is already brewing inside of you!

#SpeakLife, #ManifestingGreatness, #Goalsetting, #VisionPlanning, #WriteTheVision, #MakeItPlain, #Planner, #GoalSetter, #Visionary, #SuccessCoach, #BlackGirlMagic, #DopeBlackWoman